Thursday 29 June 2023 - Minutes

Closed 29 Jun 2023

Opened 29 Jun 2023


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Members Present: Councillor Jim Dickson, Councillor Marcia Cameron, Councillor Mathew Bryant (substitute for Councillor Donna Harris), Andrew Carter, Fiona Connolly, Ruth Hutt, Andrew Eyres, Dr Dianne Aitken, Dr Raj Mitra

Apologies: Councillor Ben Kind and Jill Lockett

Members present online: Sarah Austin

1 Declarations of Interest

There were none.

2 Minutes of Previous Meeting

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 April 2023 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record of the proceedings.

3 Lambeth Early Action Partnership (LEAP) Annual Learning Report

Laura McFarlane, Director for LEAP and Sophie Woodhead, Assistant Director for LEAP presented the item and answered questions with additional input from Laura Griffin, Interim Assistant Director Integrated Children’s Commission.

The presentation included information on: 

  • The key findings from the LEAP Annual Learning Report (ALR) 2021-22 
  • The key LEAP services: People in the Lead and Parent Infant Relationship Service (PAIRS)
  • The recent addition to the borough wide parenting offer: the Circle of Security Parenting Programme

In discussion, it was noted: 

  • The team was reviewing why families of Asian backgrounds were less likely to engage with the programme and would be focusing the second Annual Learning Report on barriers to engagement.
  • The Community Engagement Team was providing a broad offer to help families struggling with the cost of living crisis and that all the team was keeping families informed of all relevant opportunities and events.
  • Impacts of the cost of living crisis on the programme included some services’ usage rates such as Parent Infant Relationship Services becoming lower as families’ needs arise in other areas.
  •  LEAP had developed an integrated data platform and would review the possibility of integrating maternity data to assist in demonstrating impact on childhood vaccinations.
  • Collaboration with the HEART programme could present an opportunity to share data on feedback from service users and better understand how LEAP services compared to others.
  •  Funding small community organisations who had access to families who don’t readily access the Council’s services was a way to reach out to families away from universal services.
  •  As LEAP funding comes to an end, many of the services would be maintained as they have been embedded in other programmes such as the Family Hub.
  • Despite data showing fewer babies being born, family needs were becoming more complex and case work records had reached new highs in the past couple of years.

Following discussion, Ceilidh Hallam and Maneesha Marcus, Better Start Parenting Workers, provided an overview of the Circle of Security Parenting programme and presented a cast study from the programme’s last cohort.


To note the following:

1. The way in which interventions have already been embedded within the early years ecosystem and have been made available in the LEAP areas of Lambeth.

2. That a wide range of services and ways of working will be featured as part of the Family Hub Start for Life (FHSFL) offer to be scaled borough-wide.

3. For those services which do not feature in the FHSFL offer, distinct sustainability plans are underway with host NHS trusts to ensure the continuation of these services at a local level.

4 Lambeth Family Hub and Start for Life Programme

Laura Griffin, Commissioning Lead for Early Years and Parenting, provided an overview of the programme including its development, available funding, and the initiatives and services provided.

In discussion it was noted:

  • Multiple approaches and interventions had been embedded in the way the team operates overall, for example the Family Partnership Model had impacted how the Council engages with parents and how families are assisted in setting goals.
  •  Evaluation requirements for the programme were limited and output focused, however, the team had put in place processes to better capture impact on local level.
  •  The Family Hub programme was looking to integrate housing related services within its governance structure.
  •  Outreach was being maximised though better utilising the role of parent champions and creating a small team based in each of the six children’s centre areas to provide better link-up services and engage with families at an earlier stage.


1. To note Lambeth’s successful completion of the programme sign up process and plans for programme delivery 2023-2025

5 Lambeth's Childhood Immunisation Strategy 2023-2025

Karol Basta, Speciality Registrar in Public Health and Ese Iyasere, Public Health Consultant introduced the item and answered questions from the Board. Discussion included:

  • The team worked collaboratively with other teams to carry out the programme strategy.
  •  The team was encouraged to continue its effective communications, especially working with GP practices to remind new parents of vaccinations, and to share the short videos produced with the Board.
  • More work was still needed to build trust and engage with residents to address reasons why parents don’t vaccinate their children.
  • The team was working on data sharing to ensure vaccinate data for looked after children was being tracked even when the children no longer lived in the borough.


1. To endorse Lambeth’s Childhood Immunisation Strategy 2023-2025 (pending sign off from Lambeth Together Immunisation and Vaccination Steering Group).

2. To actively promote the delivery of Lambeth’s Childhood Immunisation Strategy 2023-2025 and encourage stakeholders’ support.

6 Better Care Fund (BCF) 2023-25

Jane Bowie, Director of Integrated Commissioning introduced the item and highlight the following:

  • This year’s programme plan was for 2 years; 2023 and 2024.
  • There was an increased reporting requirement for this funding round.
  • There was a requirement for submission to the Department of Health and Social Care on the 28 June.
  • Partners had a chance to comment as papers were circulated to the Board and the Lambeth Together Care Partnership prior to the meeting.


1. To note and ratify the BCF plan and narrative 2023-25 which was submitted to the National BCF team on 28 June.

7 Quarterly Report of the Director of Public Health for Lambeth (April to June 2023)

Ruth Hutt, Director of Public Health briefly noted some of the key highlights of the report including:

  • Key data on the 55+ cohort which the Board would be reviewing later on in the year;
  • Updates on the sexual health services and the Council’s participation in London Pride;
  • Progress made on the Thriving Communities programme;
  • The positive feedback and success of the Lambeth Country Show; and,
  • The re-procurement of services including Weight Management and Stop Smoking.

The Chair thanked the team for their work and highlighted achievements of the Health Determinants Pilot.


1. To note the Q1 report (Appendix 1)

The meeting ended at 8:00 PM.


Thursday 19 October 2023

Contact for Enquiries: Shyrina Rantisi

Tel: 020 7926 0544





    From 29 Jun 2023 at 18:00 to 29 Jun 2023 at 20:00

    Committee members will attend the meeting in person at Lambeth Town Hall, with members of the public and press, visiting members and officers invited to attend virtually.


  • community